Analytics Certification Course
If you are a beginner with Analytics or looking to improve your knowledge, this course will take you from the basics of the Minuet reporting tools to building dynamic queries, dashboards, and reports.
If you are a beginner with Analytics or looking to improve your knowledge, this course will take you from the basics of the Minuet reporting tools to building dynamic queries, dashboards, and reports.
With the new iEdison launch on August 9, we would like to update you on the new requirements so you can connect Minuet to the new iEdison system.
Join us for our Inteum Integrations webinar coming up on August 24. We will explore the process of integrating Minuet with other software applications. The agenda includes: 1. What is an integration? 2. How can integrating Minuet with your other institutional systems help you? 3. A real-world example of a working integration. 4. ‘Fully managed’…
Please join us for a special user group meeting on 31 August ahead of the KCA Annual Conference in Melbourne.
Our webinar for July covers Revenue Distribution in Minuet. We will look closely at Revenue Distribution on the Technology, Patent, and Agreement records, teach you how to set up your distribution profiles, and more.
Join us for a special webinar on marketing your technologies with Technology Publisher. We’ll show you how to customize your technology publisher site, give you an overview of the site templates, template fields, and a brief overview of Algolia, as well as some options you have to extend the capabilities of your RSS Feed. Date:…