New Feature: AI Document Summaries in Minuet
New AI summarization feature expands Minuet’s document automation capabilities.
New AI summarization feature expands Minuet’s document automation capabilities.
Inteum partners with Dennemeyer to integrate patent renewal services into Minuet.
Inteum is ready for FedRAMP Moderate authorization and seeking a Federal Sponsor to complete the certification process.
Join us for our webinar to get the latest news and updates about Analytics queries, reports and more.
Join us for our October webinar covering the Minuet Tools tab including Email Manager, Patent Activities, Condensing Contacts and Companies, and more.
Please join us for our 14th European User Group Meeting on Thursday, November 7th, 2024. Learn and network alongside your Inteum Community peers. St George’s, University of London, has graciously offered to host the event.