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2021 Global User Group Committee Nominations

After taking some time off due to last year’s events, we are now accepting nominations for our 2021 Global User Group Committee. An exciting year awaits as we move forward with Minuet™ development and other initiatives.

The purpose of the committee is to create more opportunities for your voices to be heard and to facilitate exchange between Inteum users around the world.


Nominations will be accepted from each global region with representatives chosen for membership in each region for a total of 10 members. There may be more than one representative from a region based on the region size.

Committee Member Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the committee members include participation in a quarterly conference call with other committee members. The meetings will be scheduled for approximately one hour. Inteum will set up the meetings and help facilitate conversation, but otherwise the meetings are intended as a platform for representatives to discuss topics as needed. Inteum will publish a summary of each meeting for the rest of the Inteum community on Inteum Central.

Meeting dates TBD.

If you have any questions, please contact Britt D’Andrea,


Submissions are now closed. Thank you to all who nominated someone to be part of this year’s committee.