Join us for our Inteum Integrations webinar coming up on August 24.
We will explore the process of integrating Minuet with other software applications. The agenda includes:
1. What is an integration?
2. How can integrating Minuet with your other institutional systems help you?
3. A real-world example of a working integration.
4. ‘Fully managed’ vs. ‘roll your own’ with the Developer API.
5. Q&A
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
8-9:30 a.m. PDT / 9-10:30 a.m. MDT / 10-11:30 a.m. CDT / 11-12:30 p.m. EDT / 4-5:00 p.m. BST
Presenter: Dave Waddell, Vice President, Inteum Company
This is a Free Webinar. If you cannot watch live, go ahead and register anyway and we will send you a link to the webinar recording.