Inteum Scholarships
Are you a technology transfer professional attending an industry conference for the first time? Receive up to $2,000 to help with event and travel costs.
Inteum has been supporting technology transfer professionals in the early stages of their careers for over 18 years. In 2005, Inteum CEO, Rob Sloman began the tradition of offering scholarships, inspired by the principle of “paying it forward”.
The professional associations comprised of members from all over the world have provided a meeting place for Inteum and our customers. Inteum supports new members of these global associations directly. Many scholarship recipients have gone on to develop exciting careers in technology transfer.

PraxisAuril Conference Scholarship
PraxisAuril supports knowledge exchange and research commercialisation in the UK though its world-leading training, connecting members to stakeholders at their events, and works with key stakeholders and partners to promote best practice in the sector.
Visit the PraxisAuril conference website to learn more.

KCA Conference Scholarship
Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia (KCA) is the peak body leading best practice in industry engagement, commercialisation and entrepreneurship for research organisations since 1978.
KCA is a volunteer-led and driven non-profit organisation which exists to provide practitioners the opportunity to come together to learn from one another and to discuss and seek ways to resolve pertinent issues that affect the collective.
This year’s KCA conference takes place at QT Hotel, Gold Coast on 10-12 October 2023.
Visit the KCA website to learn more.

ASTP Conference Scholarship
ASTP is Europe’s premier association for professionals involved in knowledge transfer between universities and industry. Throughout the year, the organization delivers training courses across Europe to promote professional development while supporting advocacy of the KT profession to influence policy at all levels.
Visit the ASTP conference website to learn more and register.

AUTM Regional Meeting Scholarships
Inteum offers scholarships for the AUTM regional meetings. Scholarship applications for the AUTM regional meetings will be posted soon.
The Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing research to life by supporting and enhancing the global academic technology transfer profession through education, professional development, partnering, and advocacy.
- Eastern Region Meeting
- Central Region Meeting
- Western Region Meeting
- Canadian Region Meeting
See the AUTM Region Meetings page to learn more.