Northwestern University
Northwestern University Innovation and New Ventures leveraged the power of Algolia InstantSearch for Technology Publisher, and online ecommerce solution Foxycart, to build a clean, seamless user experience.
Institution: Northwestern University Innovation and New Ventures
Date: November 2019
Northwestern implemented a custom solution to create a marketing and ecommerce platform that integrates their innovation assets and technologies for licensing with their organizational website.
Key customizations
- Modern templates
- Algolia Search
Integrating Technology Publisher
The Innovation and New Ventures Office at Northwestern University (INVO) facilitates university inventors and entrepreneurs interested in commercializing their discoveries, and also connects investors and industry partners with Northwestern technologies and startups.
INVO features over 600 technologies available for licensing, processes over 200 agreements per year, and features 12 startups.
When Northwestern University switched innovation management systems to Inteum in 2018, they needed an integrated marketing platform to market and license their technologies and physical assets.
While the flexibility of the Technology Publisher RSS data feed allows for syndication to virtually any other platform, Northwestern opted to go with the in-house solution to optimize integration with their Inteum data.

Instant Results
Implementing Algolia search provides a superior search and navigation experience, especially with the category and keyword widgets that expedite the filtering process, keeping users on the same page, limiting jumping back and forth between individual records and the search results.
The Foxycart integration has provided a simple, low-cost solution for INVO to sell its physical materials, and works seamlessly within the Technology Publisher platform.

Modern Templates
Technology Publisher is a flexible platform for publishing technologies available for licensing.
Customers can implement any kind of html template into the Technology Publisher templates, use internal or external stylesheets, as well as any external scripts for custom widgets and performance enhancements.
INVO’s site uses the main stylesheet, and repurposes organizational website templates in its Technology Publisher templates.

Algolia Search
Inteum customers can leverage the full power of Algolia Search with their Technology Publisher sites.
While the Technology Publisher Advanced Search feature provides a powerful search experience, Algolia takes it to the next level by providing real-time search results.
The category and keyword widgets allow users to quickly filter their results, while keeping them on the same page.
Algolia also gives you additional options to control the technologies you want people to find.
After investigating several shopping cart options, INVO decided to go with the ecommerce solution Foxycart for its online cart service.
Foxycart uses widgets and inline javascript, making the setup process a breeze.